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Monday, 24 June 2024

Punjab Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, Government of the Punjab,NTS

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, Government of the Punjab, invites applications from qualified and experienced individuals domiciled in Punjab for various posts on contract basis (Non-Transferable) for Project Management Unit of Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department.


1. Director (Outsourcing) Qualification: CA/MBA/LLB/B.Sc.(Hons)/ Economics/ Statistics /BBA (Hons.)/ B.Sc. Engineering /Masters in Social Sciences or Equivalent Experience: 7 years’ experience in public sector, specifically under PPRA Rules/ Donor Funded Projects with specific exposure to procurement of consultancy, non-Consultancy services and goods. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 45 Years.

2. Director (Healthcare Quality Assurance) / Senior Health Specialist Qualification: MBBS / Masters in Public Health or equivalent Experience: 7 years’ relevant experience, Working Knowledge of International Best Practices in Hospital Management will be preferred No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 45 Years.

3. Director Finance & Administration Qualification: M.Com/CA/ACCA/ACMA/MBA (Finance)/ equivalent or Masters in Sciences/ Social Sciences with experience in public sector Finance Experience: 7-year relevant experience. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 45 Years.

4. Director Operations Qualification: MBBS/B.Sc. Engineering/ BSCS/ MBA/ Masters in Social Sciences /Masters in IT or Equivalent Experience: 7 year experience in public sector at senior administrative positions No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 45 Years.

5. Director ICT Qualification: Bachelors or Masters in IT/Computer Sciences / Electronics Experience:      7-year relevant experience. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 45 Years.

6. Procurement Specialist Qualification: B.Sc. Engineering/BSCS/ MBA/Masters in Sciences/ Social Sciences/ IT or Equivalent. Experience: 7 years of post-qualification experience in public sector, specifically under PPRA Rules/ Donor Funded Projects with specific exposure to procurement of goods and consultancy services. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 45 Years.

7. Senior Project Manager (Finance & Accounts) Qualification: CA/ ACMA/ M. Com/ MBA (Finance) or Equivalent. Experience: 5 years’ experience in public/private organization in financial management/ accounting/auditing. Good knowledge of public sector accounting and auditing practices. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 40 Years.

8. Project Manager (Human Resource) Qualification: Master’s degree in HR/ MBA/-HR equivalent or Masters in social sciences or equivalent with experience in public sector HRM. Experience: 3 Years’ experience in Admin/ HR policies/ HR Management/ Payroll systems/ Recruitment processes. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 40 Years.

9. Project Manager ICT Qualification: Bachelors or Masters in IT / Computer Sciences / BS Software Engineering. Experience: 3-year relevant experience. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 40 Years.

10. Project Manager (Planning) Qualification: B.Sc. Engineering Masters in Sciences/ Social Science or equivalent. Experience: 3-year relevant experience. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 40 Years.

11. Project Manager (Legal) / Legal Expert Qualification: LLB or Equivalent. Experience: 3-year relevant experience No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 40 Years.

 12. Project Manager (Automation) / Automation Specialist Qualification: Bachelors/Masters in IT/CS/Electronics Engineering. Experience: 3- Year relevant experience. Prior experience as senior/ principal software engineer with specialty area as software analysis, design & development experience of handling a team of software engineers and software development leading implementation n at client side after user acceptance testing (UAT). Experience of end to end software implementation with BPR, SDLC/ transformation, change management, IT infrastructure LAN/WAN, hardware, uat, deployment and support & maintenance of implemented software at client end. Knowledge of it networks will be considered a plus. IT projects management experience will be considered a plus. No. of Vacancies: 01 Age Limit: 40 Years.

General Terms and Conditions: -

1. The above positions are being offered on Contract basis, extendable (subject to satisfactory performance) under the Contract Appointment Policy 2004 (amended till date) of the Government of the Punjab and extension of PC-I. 2. Age relaxation of candidates shall be applicable as per current policy of the Government of the Punjab. IPL-5667 3. Candidates having domicile of Punjab shall only be eligible to apply. 4. These vacancies are post specific and non-transferable. 5. No TA/DA will be admissible to the candidates for test/interview. 6. Candidates already working in Government/Semi Government/Autonomous Bodies should apply through proper channel. 7. The experience of the candidate will be calculated on the last date of submission of application. 8. Submission of fake documents or concealment of any fact will lead to dis-qualification of the candidate at any stage of recruitment process or during service. 9. Only the degree issued by the university/institute recognized by the HEC or reputed foreign university with HEC equivalence, will be considered. 10. The degree program must be HEC recognized on or before closing date of the advertisement. 11. Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview. The date & time of interview will be communicated through email/call/SMS by the concerned department. 12. Complete original documents along with a set of attested photocopies will be provided by the applicant at the time of interview. Candidates will bring all the degrees attested by HEC at the time of interview, otherwise, he/she would not be allowed to appear in interview. 13. Number of vacancies can be increased/decreased at any time without any notice. 14. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all applications, or cancel the whole recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reasons. 15. Final Terms & Conditions of appointment shall be settled at the actual date of appointment. 16. Decisions of Department on all matters concerning recruitment, including eligibility/ short listing/ selection criteria shall be final. 17. Candidate shall apply online by visiting National Testing Service (NTS) website ( 18. Candidates shall submit duly filled in Application form (online), along with deposit slip of prescribed fee in favor of National Testing Service, Copy of CNIC and two recent passport size photographs along with all relevant documents (educational and experience certificates) are to be sent directly to NTS through courier on the address mentioned on Application Form. 19. Test fee shall be paid through 1 Link 1 Bill Participating Banks/ATM/Internet Banking/Mobile Banking/Easy Paisa/Jazz Cash/TCS Express Counters using 20 Digits Invoice numbers generated in your fee slip. Only 1 bill invoice payment will be accepted. 20. Incomplete applications or applications received after due date or closing of office hours on the last date for submission of application will not be entertained. 21. Application completed in all respect must reach NTS till 04.07.2024. 22. The date of written test shall be communicated to the eligible/shortlisted candidates only through NTS. Candidates are advised to keep on visiting NTS website for updates. 23. Roll No. Slip shall be uploaded on NTS website before the test. 24. Candidates shall have at least 50% marks in NTS to pass the test. However, shortlisting for interview will be done as per criteria defined by the Department. 25. Advertisement can also be downloaded from the website of Project Management Unit

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